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Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely. You can order additional automation products at any time. Call our 5-star customer service team and we will integrate them with your existing equipment.

Our system helps to effectively reduce damage caused by common appliance malfunctions, natural disasters, or human error. This greatly reduces the chances of needing to make insurance claims. Contact your insurance agent directly to see if they offer discounts for the features you’ve chosen, which may include our security system enhancements, emergency automatic water shut-off systems, smoke/heat/freeze smart alarm, and more.

Not at all! We professionally install all systems and set everything up for you. Our technician will show you how to control your new system before leaving your property. Then if you have any questions later contact our 5-star customer service representatives and they will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Not to worry, your automation products won’t be affected, unless you’ve chosen to have your system run off of Wi-Fi; our standard system is connected by GSM, which is far more reliable. This means that internet outages will not affect your system. Access to either the internet or smartphone data will be required to use the IET Security & Automation mobile app.

Our products use z-wave technology: an automation component that allows products (such as door locks, thermostats, lights, etc.) to communicate wirelessly via low frequency channels and be controlled through a smartphone, tablet, or computer. This technology allows you to communicate with your automated features securely and reliably.

Our techs can handle it. IET Security & Automation’s mobile app allows you to manage and view multiple locations whether it’s residential or commercial. Call us at 800.721.1828 and we’ll integrate the multiple systems into your app. 

Within seconds of receiving signals from your home or business, we contact the proper emergency responders. We have no control over their workload and therefore cannot predict how quickly they will arrive. To help them respond to actual emergencies, it is important that your call list is current, and your system is functioning properly.

Yes! No matter what company’s sticker is on your security system, chances are good that we can provide monitoring services. Call us today at 800.721.1828 to determine if your system is compatible, and let us demonstrate how affordable monitoring your system can be.

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